Unconventional and Unexpected

Last week I started a quilt based on this one on page 35 of Roderick Kiracofe's Unconventional and Unexpected.

The original quilt is made with polyester double knit fabrics. I started with this selection of cotton fabrics from my stash and a few others added later and some thrift store shirts that were cut up.

Unconventional and Unexpected 1.jpg

The blocks alternate between plain and string pieced. I tried to keep the string pieced blocks looking "chunky" like the ones in the original quilt.

Unconventional and Unexpected 2.jpg
unconventional and unexpected 4.jpg

I started off with a "random" placement of the blocks.

unconventional and unexpected 3.jpg
unconventional and unexpected 5.jpg

I really wasn't thrilled with the layout I had so I went back to study the original. On closer study I noticed that the original quilt had like fabrics clumped together. My guess is that the quilt was made stitched together as the blocks were cut. When one fabric ran out another was started. I tried rearranging my blocks and was much happier with the result.

unconventional and unexpected.jpg
unconventional and Unexpected 6.jpg
Unconventional and Unexpected 7.jpg

I have it all sewn together now and while I'm waiting to get king size batting I'm thinking about how I will quilt it. 

(book link is an affiliate link.)